when I hear multilingual I'd spontaneously remember the Queen among language learners "Ruri Ohama san". today at first time I've come to be surprised to know the fact that our Majesty the Empress "Masako" is multilingual . her Majesty is able to speak 5(日、英、露、独、仏) languages. refer to wiki, I suppose perhaps you can't help reading it without surprise/tear/sigh/all-feelings. I suppose she must be alien from outer world or Goddess. please enjoy super-lady's story with wiki.皇后雅子
This is not a piece of advice to you I'm talking to myself for my practice of writing skills.
Putin studied German at Saint Petersburg High School 281 and speaks German as a second language.
and he had spoken English in the video. he might be trilingual(trὰɪlíŋgwəl).
This is not a piece of advice to you I'm talking to myself for my practice of writing skills. Nicholas Edwards, he is a bilingual English and Japanese native. he is not only able to speak Japanese fluently/politely but also well informed about Japan. younger people than 30 years old might not know him. I think his superior point would be, when all is said and done, He is listed in the Wikipedia article. He'd had sung Japanese songs better than original singer. I suppose English native wouldn't have desire to master next second language, because English is the most common language the world over and never feel inconvenient on language.
:Nicholas Edwardsニコラス・エドワーズ.
:the world over
When I hear multilingual I can't forget 'Amandine'(Youtuber BonSoirTV). she was born in France, from even a little child she'd have been interested in Japanese; she have a belief of her having been a Japanese in her previous life. I think her superior point would be good memory/(inherited from her mother)brightness. she is a trilingual(trὰɪlíŋgwəl) French/English/Japanese. to be surprised I've never watched even in a blink her searching for words ; she speaks Japanese fluently/spontaneously more than Japanese native . I seldom hear her speaking other than Japanese. her Japanese is second language, isn't it? is it true? I'm sure she must be a Japanese native.
This is not a piece of advice to you I'm talking to myself for my practice of writing skills. when I hear multilingual I'd spontaneously remember the Queen among language learners "Ruri Ohama san". I think her superior point would be perspective view/firm self-confidence/growth speed I suppose her native language might be Japanese and Turkish, English and German would be second language. because video in English can get more viewers than it in other language, she'd dare to make videos on her YouTube channel in English which language is the most common in the world, despite it'd be easier to make in her native language. she'd present the method which everyone can become fluent by 6 steps in her video and she have become herself fluent English speaker as well. she is still progressing, compare present skill to it of one year before, we can clearly grasp her progress in speaking. so I'd present her video about method to become fluent by 6 steps.
level of her Majesty's speaking skill'd might be super-excellent. I'm sorry not to be able to judge how she is. I such as fledgling/chick can't have an audience with her Majesty. moreover I'm not familiar with her at all. according to the wiki in her childhood in order not to forget Japanese language, she'd use to attend Japanese School in New York. but for me I'm on the contrary trying hard to exclude my mother tongue. these situation would be difference between heaven and earth. until how much extent could her brain be crammed?
when I hear multilingual I'd spontaneously remember the Queen among language learners "Ruri Ohama san". today at first time I've come to be surprised to know the fact that our Majesty the Empress "Masako" is multilingual . her Majesty is able to speak 5(日、英、露、独、仏) languages. refer to wiki, I suppose perhaps you can't help reading it without surprise/tear/sigh/all-feelings. I suppose she must be alien from outer world or Goddess. please enjoy super-lady's story with wiki.皇后雅子