
2021-12-16 22:40

It provides further illustrations of a pervasive theme of the book, that different epochs and cultures create new interpretations of Socrates in the light of their various preoccupations and values, and brings that theme up to date via examples from the 19th century to the present.

「〜 a pervasive theme of the book, that different 〜」の「, that」の意味が知りたいです。


2021-12-17 13:36:32

おっしゃる通りです。that の中身が theme の内容を示しています。挿入句のようなイメージで、説明を加えています。

Japan’s prime minister, Fumio Kishida, has said he will not attend the opening ceremony of the Winter Olympics in Beijing.

上の例文では、Fumio Kishida の前と後に comma があります。それは、Japan’s prime minister の名前は何なのか、それを挿入しているからです。

それと同じ感覚で、a pervasive theme of the book の説明を、that で始まる節 (clause) で挿入しています。


It provides further illustrations of a pervasive theme of the book.

The theme is that different epochs and cultures create new interpretations of Socrates in the light of their various preoccupations and values.

It also brings this theme up to date via examples from the 19th century to the present.
