
2022-03-14 13:27

this is to disregard の意味は?

I’d best declare my own bias. As a writer, I’m interested in the exploration of ideas. (略)
But none of these things is of the slightest interest to anyone unless, through my books, I’ve found a new slant, explored a new idea. Why? Because the world has moved on. The time has long passed for the great continental voyages – another walk to the poles, another crossing of the Empty Quarter. We know how the land surface of our planet lies; exploration of it is now down to the details – the habits of microbes, say, or the grazing behaviour of buffalo. Aside from the deep sea and deep underground, it’s the era of specialists. However, this is to disregard the role the human mind has in conveying remote places; and this is what interests me: how a fresh interpretation, even of a well-travelled route, can give its readers new insights.



2022-03-15 15:18:39

>Hiragana123 さま

2022-03-15 00:14:36

However... のところの前までの引用は、大雑把にいうと、世界中の様々な場所が探検しつくされていて、人々の興味は場所というレベルよりももっと細かなこと(特異な生物の生態とか)に向かっているので、昔のような北極南極の探検みたいなことには人々は興味を失っているようだ、というようなことです。

However, this is to disregard the role the human mind has in conveying remote places; and this is what interests me: how a fresh interpretation, even of a well-travelled route, can give its readers new insights.

However, this is to disregard the role
- (that) the human mind has in conveying remote places;
and this is what interests me:
how a fresh interpretation, even of a well-travelled route, can give its readers new insights.

that の省略があるところは、
The human mind has the role in conveying remote places.
つまり、however までのように人はもうそういうことに興味がない、と言ってしまうことは、人の心というものは遠くの場所に思いを馳せるようにできているということを disregard してしまう(無視する、考慮しない)ことになる、と言っています。
