1.This feature will also give staff members an opportunity to promote any clubs, associations, or activities in their neighbourhood that they feel deserve a little extra exposure.
feel と deserve は両方とも動詞に見えます。どの様な文法なのでしょうか?
2.If you are involved with a local organisation that would benefit from some publicity, please inform me of the nature of the group and its activities, where the group meets, how often it meets, and any other information that you feel is relevant.
1のほうですが、文章が長いので、feel と deserve の2つの動詞があるところに集中して見てみます。
<This feature> <will also give> <staff members> <an opportunity> <to promote any clubs, associations, or activities in their neighbourhood that they feel deserve a little extra exposure.>
この to promote As, Bs, or Cs that they feel deserve exposure と言っているところの動詞がダブっているように見える部分ですね。
この部分は、元々は staff members feel As, Bs, or Cs deserve exposure. という文で、そのA, B, or C について promote したい、と動詞の目的語にしたいわけですから、それを前に持ってきて残りの節を that という関係代名詞でつなぐ、ということをしています。
<As, Bs, or Cs> deserve exposure.
↓ このことを staff members feel とします
Staff members feel <As, Bs, or Cs> deserve exposure.
↓ staff members = they と代名詞にして
They feel <As, Bs, or Cs> deserve exposure.
↓ <As, Bs, or Cs> を前に持ってきて関係代名詞 that でつなぐ
<As, Bs, or Cs> =that= they feel deserve exposure
<The current work environment> needs improvement.
↓ このことを we think とします
We think <the current work environment> needs improvement.
↓ <the current work environmen> を前に持ってきて関係代名詞 that でつなぐ
We'll talk about the current work environment =that= we think needs improvement.
If you are involved with a local organisation that would benefit from some publicity, please inform me of the nature of the group and its activities, where the group meets, how often it meets, and any other information that you feel is relevant.
If you are involved with a local organisation that would benefit from some publicity のところは
please inform me of
1. the nature of the group and its activities, (その団体の性質と活動内容)
2. where the group meets, (その団体の活動場所)
3. how often it meets, and (その団体の活動頻度)
4. any other information that you feel is relevant.(そしてその他あなたが関連すると感じる情報)
You feel <any other information> is relevant.
↓ この any other information をplease inform me of ~ につなげるために前に持ってくる
<any other information> =that= you feel is relevant.