2023-08-06 00:22:24
As collecting as many companies became the goal
これは、as 形容詞/副詞 as ~、ではなく、ただ単に
Collecting as many companies became the goal. という文が
as という接続詞でつながれた節になっている、というだけのことです。
Collecting as many companies became the goal. という文は
Collecting as many companies (as possible 等がここで省略されている) という主語が
became the goal になった、と言っています。
接続詞 as は後ろに文を伴って「~なので」や「~だから」などの意味をつけます。
as <collecting as many companies (as possible)> became the goal は接続詞を伴った節なので、この後(もしくはこの前)に「(~なので、~だから)どうだった」ということを言う主文があるはずです。